This tutorial will tell actually not only teach you how to create an FTP Account, but will also teach you how to create the client's directory on the Server and will depending on your solution assign it with shell access level. Add the user account you want using the 'useradd' command
# useradd -u <username> -s /bin/false -d /home/username
-s stands for no shell access - you do not want Then create a special group for that user.
# groupadd <groupname>
Add a group for that user!
# gpasswd -a <username> <groupname>
Add the user to the group you just created
# chgrp <groupname> /home/username
to chown the directory to that group
# chmod g=rwx /home/username
to chmod the directory with read, write, execute for the given group
# chmod +t /home/username
When the sticky bit (+t) is set, only the item's owner, the directory's owner, or the superuser can rename or delete files.
Once you create the user, its group and set them up, the user will have access via port 21 (FTP) to the Server and if that Dedicated Server is running an FTP Server, you will be able to establish an FTP Connection successfully!